Privacy Policy

When you visit this website, we store and then read small files called cookies on your device. We use cookies to help us better identify your preferences and to tailor our website accordingly. Cookies therefore primarily enhance its user-friendliness by enabling the relevant page to recognise whether you have visited it in the past and which sections you were interested in.

Some cookies allow us to link your browsing activities to our website from the moment you open your browser window until the moment you close it. These cookies are deleted the moment you close your browser window. Others remain on your device for a set period of time and are activated each time you visit the website that created that particular cookie.

Some cookies are placed on your device directly by our website. These cookies allow us to:

  • collect statistical and analytical data to improve the performance and functionality of our site,
  • display personalised and device-optimised content, including targeted advertising,
  • record, investigate and troubleshoot malfunctions and non-functioning components of our website.

These processing purposes are based on our legitimate interests, and you may object to such processing.

We also allow third parties to place cookies on your device so that they can use them:

  • to collect data about your behaviour on our website and other websites;
  • to display personalised offers and targeted advertising, including on websites other than this website.

You can withdraw your consent to this processing of personal data by disabling the use of cookies in your browser as described below.

Standard web browsers support the management of cookies. Within the browser settings, you can manually delete, block or completely disable the use of individual cookies, or only allow them for certain pages. However, restricting or blocking cookies can have a negative impact on the usability of many websites.

For the most commonly used browsers, you can find instructions here:

If you are using a different browser, you can find how to delete and block cookies directly in the browser's help.

We do not only obtain data about your behaviour on the website from cookies. We also supplement it with:

  • The IP address of your device; 
  • Your device's operating system, version and language settings; 
  • the browser you're using on your device, its version and language settings;
  • the address of the website (URL) from which you are accessing our website.

We process your personal data, Czech-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, z.s.., as the data controller, for a period of 12 months. To means that we determine the above defined purposes for which we collect your personal data, determine the means of processing and are responsible for its proper implementation. We process personal data by automated means, but there is no automated decision-making or profiling on the basis of the data.

We may also use the services of others to process personal data processorswho process personal data on our instructions. These may include, in particular, providers of marketing tools that help us to optimise the website and personalise content.

In certain cases, we are obliged to transfer processed personal data to public authorities, courts, law enforcement authorities or supervisory authorities on the basis of the law or our interests.


Below is an overview of your rights, including how to exercise them:

Right of access

You have the right to know what data we process about you, for what purpose, for how long, where we obtain your personal data, to whom we transfer it, who processes it outside of us and what other rights you have in relation to the processing of your personal data, all of which are set out in this document.

You can also ask us to confirm whether or not the personal data relating to you is still being processed by us and, if so, you have the right to access that personal data. Through the right of access, you can ask us for a copy of the personal data we are processing and we will provide you with the first copy free of charge. 

Right to repair

If you find that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have it corrected or completed without undue delay. 

Right to erasure

In some cases, you have the right to have us delete your personal data. We will delete your personal data without undue delay if one of the following reasons is met: 

  • we no longer need the personal data for the purposes for which we processed it, 
  • you withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, which is data for which your consent is necessary, and we have no other reason why we need to continue to process the data (for example, to defend our legal claims),
  • you exercise your right to object to processing (see below) of personal data that we process on the basis of our legitimate interests and we find that we no longer have such legitimate interests that would justify such processing, or 
  • the processing of personal data by us ceases to comply with the law. 

However, the right to erasure cannot be exercised if the processing of your personal data is still necessary for the fulfilment of our legal obligation, for archiving purposes, for scientific or historical research or statistical purposes, or for the establishment, exercise and defence of our legal claims.

Right to restriction of processing

This right allows you in certain cases to request that your personal data be marked and not subject to any further processing operations, but not forever (as in the case of the right to erasure), but for a limited period of time. We must restrict the processing of personal data where:

  • you deny the accuracy of your personal data,
  • we process personal data without a sufficient legal basis, but you would prefer only to restrict the data before deleting it (e.g. if you expect to provide us with such data in the future anyway), 
  • we no longer need the personal data for the stated processing purposes but you require it for the establishment, exercise or defence of your legal claims, or 
  • object to the processing. We are obliged to restrict the processing of personal data for the period of time we are investigating whether the objection is justified.

Right to portability

You have the right to obtain from us all personal data that you have provided to us and that we process on the basis of your consent or on the basis of the performance of a contract. We will provide you with the personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. In order for us to be able to easily transfer the data at your request, it must only be data that we process automatically in our electronic databases.

Right to object to processing

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest. If it is for marketing activities, we will stop processing personal data without further action; in other cases, we will do so unless we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue such processing. 

Exercise of rights

For all matters relating to the processing of your personal data, whether it is an enquiry, exercising a right, making a complaint or otherwise, you can contact us in the following ways:

By email to:

In writing to: Czech-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, z.s.., Pobřežní 394/12, 186 00 Karlín

We will process your request without undue delay, but within one month at most. In exceptional cases, in particular due to the complexity of your request, we are entitled to extend this period by a further two months. We will, of course, inform you of any such extension and the reasons for it.

Filing a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection

You have the right to file a complaint against our processing of personal data with the Office for Personal Data Protection, which is located at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7.